Quick Summary:
In this episode (020), I talk with Julie Naismith, who is a dog trainer with a special focus on helping dogs with separation anxiety. She teaches dog parents all over the world through her online community, courses, and through her recently published book Be Right Back, how to handle and resolve separation anxiety in a very loving and compassionate way. Julie clarifies the difference between separation anxiety and hyper-attachment. We also discuss subtle signs of pain in dogs and how pain tends to increase the dog’s anxiety and why it is very important to work with the dog’s veterinarian when dealing with separation anxiety. Even if your dog doesn’t have separation anxiety, it’s a very interesting and enlightening episode which may help you be an even better dog parent!
Treats For You:
You can use this link (mybook.to./berightback) to bee taken to the correct Amazon page for your country.
Check out Julie Naismith’s Facebook page dedicated to canine separation anxiety here.
And Julie says that her Facebook group is the absolute best way to connect with her. The group name is Separation Anxiety Dog Support. Simply click on the link below to be taken directly to it: https://www.facebook.com/groups/separationanxietydogsupport/
Show Notes:
Coming soon!